As I was learning about how things work in the Universe and how I could have anything I want in life one of the factors that kept popping up was the Law of Attraction. Now, I know what you are thinking, more of that New Agey mumbo jumbo. I know because I felt the same way. I'm not going to get into some big discussion about the Law of Attraction but I wanted to point out something that was brought out to me that I have used daily to achieve goals, learn new things, and bring more abundance into my life .....and maybe it will work for you too. Gotta know it to try it, right?
Now, to be honest, I was interested in the quirky mysteries of quantum physics a long time before I knew about the Law of Attraction. One of the assumptions that quantum physics made those years ago, that has now come to be a scientifically proven fact, is that everything is energy. Everything we see or think is made of energy. Now, leaving out anything to do with the Law of Attraction, this is a pretty interesting fact. What I mean by that is, like a floodlight flashing on in my thoughts, I finally understood why we can have anything we want in life. Anything we desire. Do you see it yet?
If everything is energy, interacting to create the physical reality that we see, well, then....we are already connected to all the things we want! All the things we can dream, think, say, want, need are already part of our reality...eveything is part of us...and we are part of everything.
"Okay, Rick so what?" You ask, and rightfully so. Here is something they don't teach in the Law of Attraction or any of those "secrets of the Universe". This is just a plain fact of common Newtonian physics. Energy interacts with energy. When energy mingles it does not lose becomes stronger and moves toward more energy of the same complexity. We call that a frequency but it is not necessary to know that. What IS important is that when these energies interact they move toward each other. So, every minute that a want or need is in your thoughts and you follow that with the action to get it you are moving toward it BUT it is also moving toward you...seeking you out....looking across the energy universe trying to find you. How do we make the connection? Thoughts and action. Our whole reality is created from thoughts and actions. It is not enough to just have the thought but our actions create waves of energy pushing us along it's tide and bringing that which is seeking us closer. Look at what you are trying to achieve in your life right now! How's that working out for you? Are you making the connection? Thoughts and actions.
I'd like to come back and touch on this subject more at a later date. For now I will close with a question: Want something great in your life? Think new thoughts and take will come to you as sure as you are moving toward it. Guaranteed.
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